Monday, September 12, 2011

hari hari, hari raya

selamat hari raya tahun ni tade gambar raya.
sekarang bulan syawal, tak lama lagi masuk bulan zulkaedah.tup tap tup tap masuk awal time flies.

on another note;
yeay for me, i've started working although its a temporary job.
very much different from the field of my studies but the learning experience is cool.
hari hari rutin harian yang sama, bangun pagi-bersiap sedia-pegi kerja-kasi perut buncit-balik kerja- tengok kasih alia-ncis-tido. dan rutin pun berulang on replay.

lagi 10 minit untuk pulang,countdown tenet net net nett netttt
mahu jadi student balik please.

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